
Die MachBar Lübeck
Einsiedelstraße 6, 23554 Lübeck


25. 05. 2024


15:30 - 19:30




Für jeden machbar!

3D-Sticken mit Santo Cielo: Under the Sea – Introduction to Raised Embroidery

Wir freuen uns riesig, den großartigen Künstler Santo Cielo als Gast willkommen zu heißen für zwei exklusive Stick-Workshops. Der Workshop wird in Englisch gehalten, wir helfen gerne beim Übersetzen. But the language oft “crafting” is universal and you should all be fine even if you’re not firm in English!

Einführung in die 3D-Stickerei – Under the sea

Dive into the enchanting world of raised embroidery with my Under The Sea workshop. Take embroidery to a new level! Go from flat to three-dimensional embroidery with this super fun Workshop.

In this introductory workshop, you’ll learn the art of raised embroidery, a technique that adds texture and dimension to your designs. Santo will guide you through the process of creating underwater sealife, using a variety of materials and stitches. No prior experience is necessary – just bring your enthusiasm and good vibes!

Immerse yourself in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere as you connect with fellow embroidery enthusiasts. Discover new techniques, exchange ideas, and gain inspiration. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced stitcher, this event is perfect for anyone looking to explore the beauty of hand embroidery.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to unleash your creativity and bring the wonders of the sea to life through embroidery. Join us and let your imagination swim free!

This Workshop includes:

  • A complete Embroidery Kit: Hoop, Fabric, Threads, Needles and Printed Pattern
  • Water, tea, coffee and some snacks
  • Access to the online Embroidery guide (PDF) where you can find the stitches learned at the workshop
  • Learn to do different raised embroidery stitches and which one to choose for your designs
  • Tips & Tricks from Santo

Dauer: ca. 3,5-4 Stunden
Preis: 69€
Ort: Die MachBar Lübeck
Veranstalter: Santo Cielo

Photo by Araí Molieri

Wer ist Santo?
Santo was surrounded by fabrics, threads, and dressmakers his whole life. He started learning embroidery in 2015 while he was doing interviews with needle crafters for his bachelor degree thesis. Thanks to those women, he was able to discover and learn beautiful techniques.
Nowadays, his work is focused mostly on portraits of animals and humans using the needle painting technique. He always finds inspiration in nature, everyday life, and things that evoke nostalgia.
He loves to impart his passion and skills to others, finding beauty in the verbal and mimetic transmission of this knowledge. Discover the world of embroidery with Santo Cielo! Hier erfährst du mehr: https://santocielo.cc

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